The Time is Now
Published on Wednesday, January 27, 2016

In the wake of Winter Storm Jonas, it’s the perfect time to talk to your clients about travel insurance.
The East Coast came to a standstill this week as Winter Storm Jonas brought record-breaking snowfalls. More than 13,000 flights were delayed or cancelled, rail service was shutdown, and major interstates were closed. While governments worked hard to keep their cities moving, many travelers found that they would not be moving for a while.
Whether your travelers are stuck at an airport, in a hotel room, or even at home, if they have travel insurance, they should be able to rest assured. As long as the storm was still considered an “unforeseen” event when the policy was purchased, they are likely covered. At RoamRight, we noticed an increase in travelers seeking coverage for the storm – the day before it was scheduled to hit. While these travelers are still welcome to buy insurance for things like travel medical coverage, trip delay and trip cancellation coverage was not available at this late purchase date.
So how can you protect your travelers for the next weather event?
Talk to them about travel insurance. Keep in mind, winter isn’t over yet! We still have a few more months of potential snowfall. During that time, millions of travelers will leave home for things like Mardi Gras, spring break, and Easter. The sooner your travelers buy travel insurance, the better off they are. It’s peace of mind knowing that, if another monster storm develops, they’ll be covered ahead of time.