Why You Should Use Your Traveler's Email Address When Buying a Policy

Published on Wednesday, August 10, 2016

We all want to be as helpful as possible when guiding our travelers in booking a trip. Purchasing travel insurance for them is one important step in ensuring you are doing everything possible to provide your customers with the best service possible. 

However, there is one important thing that many agents do that can actually hamper their travelers’ experiences – and their future travel insurance sales: Using your own email address to buy the RoamRight policy instead of your client’s email. 

RoamRight offers a suite of benefits and perks for insured travelers that they only are able to access if their own email address is the one associated with the purchased policy. 

Helpful Informational Emails Before Their Trip

RoamRight makes sure they each traveler is prepared before, during, and after their trip. When a policy is purchased, each traveler receives a series of emails with helpful information and friendly reminders.

Two days after purchasing a policy, travelers receive an email showcasing how to download RoamRight’s mobile app that gives them the information to stay healthy and safe when far from home.

"Mobile app, emails and reminders made me feel confident that I would have good service if needed." - Real RoamRight Review

Additionally, six days before embarking on their trip, travelers receive a “How To Use Your RoamRight Travel Insurance” email that details their description of coverage, provides helpful information such as what to do in an emergency, and what they should know about filing a travel insurance claim. All of this is useful information for your clients to have before they depart.

Some travelers are also eligible to receive additional emails based on their purchase information, such as eligibility for add-ons or upgrades, which – if purchased – means additional commission for you. This is extra money that requires no effort at all on your part!

Significant Event Alerts and Assistance

Unlike what many other travel insurances offer, RoamRight often sends urgent emails to travelers who may currently be in locations affected by hazardous events such as terrorist attacks or natural disasters.

"In my most recent travels, I was in Paris during the terrible attacks and awoke Staurday morning to an email [from RoamRight] assuring me that they were there to help with any difficultires in travel home that I may face. That proactive email meant the world to me." - Real RoamRight Review

Within the email, travelers are reminded of the resources they have available to them through their RoamRight policy, including emergency contact numbers that could help keep them safe.

Claims Status Updates

If one of your clients needs to file a claim, their email address is important in providing updates on the status of their claim. 

Travelers who open claims with RoamRight receive updates when their claim is received, when it is assigned to an examiner, and if it as approved. 

No one likes to file a claim, but RoamRight has put a system in place to make the process more transparent and easier for the traveler. 

Agents Receive Legacy Commission for Future Purchases… Forever

RoamRight values the fact that you’ve introduced your travelers to our brand, and we want to do everything we can to properly thank you. 

One of the biggest ways we say thank you is through our legacy commission. How does that work? In short, if any traveler that you introduce to us buys a policy for a future trip, you can receive a commission at the same rate as a regular commission, no matter if you are planning their trip or not. 

We also send travelers a one-year reminder email. So we’ll send an email about a year after their last travel insurance purchase, gently encouraging them to purchase a RoamRight policy for any trips they are planning this year. Again, with our legacy commission plan, that’s extra money in your pocket!

But of course, they can’t receive that email unless their original policy is purchased using their own email address. 

Linking Personal Records with Future Purchases

And if your travelers do continue to buy policies from us, we want to make that process as easy as possible, right?

When travelers use their own email address, their personal records and information is securely saved on our end, making it that much easier when they log-in or call-in to buy another policy. 

Keeping Track Of Your Clients’ Purchases

One reason many agents prefer to use their own email address instead of their clients is that they feel this gives them more control over the travel insurance purchase: they can verify that it was purchased, they can see the policy themselves, and access it in an emergency.

For licensed travel agents, all of this information is available in your RoamRight portal. Simply log in to your portal and you can find the details for each client’s purchase – and some claim information as well. 

Contact us to start offering these enhanced services to your clients. 


The RoamRight mark is used by Arch Insurance Company and owned by its parent company, Arch Capital Group (U.S.). Insurance coverages are underwritten by Arch Insurance Company, NAIC #11150, under certain policy series, including LTP 2013 and amendments thereto. Certain terms, conditions, restrictions and exclusions apply and coverages may vary in certain states. In the event of any conflict between your policy terms and coverage descriptions on this website, the terms and conditions of your policy shall govern. Click here for privacy notice.

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