Thank you for your interest in Arch RoamRight’s Essential travel insurance plan. We are proud to now offer our Pro and Pro Plus plans on These plans have been favorites of the travel agent community for many years.
In addition, both of the new plans come with the following expanded coverage options:
- For Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption coverage, there is no time trigger on weather-related benefits. Any inclement weather that causes a complete cessation of services of your common carrier is covered. (The Essential plan used to require a 24-hour delay.)
- For pre-existing medical conditions, the look-back period is 60 days. This changes the definition of a pre-existing condition to:
an illness, disease, or other condition during the 60 day period immediately prior to the Effective Date of Your coverage for which You or Your Traveling Companion, Business Partner or Family Member: 1) received or received a recommendation for a test, examination, or medical treatment; or 2) took or received a prescription for drugs or medicine. Item (2) of this definition does not apply to a condition which is treated or controlled solely through the taking of prescription drugs or medicine and remains treated or controlled without any adjustment or change in the required prescription throughout the 60 day period before Your coverage is effective under this policy.
(The Essential plan used to reference 180 days.)
Pro Plus
The Arch RoamRight Pro Plus plan is our top-of-the-line travel insurance offering, and the only Arch RoamRight plan that features primary medical coverage.
Many benefits are similar to those that were offered in our Essential Plan, with the following significant improvements:
- Medical coverage acts as primary coverage. This means that, in the event of an emergency, we will pay before any of your other health insurance plans.
Cancel for Work Reasons is automatically included if purchased within 21 days of making your initial trip deposit.
No deductible for emergency accident and sickness.
If you need to be repatriated back to the United States for further medical care and your medical condition is stable enough for such transport, you may choose to be transported to another American hospital, provided that the costs do not exceed the cost to transport you to your primary place of residence.
Learn more about Arch RoamRight’s Pro Plus plan.
The Arch RoamRight Pro plan may also have the benefits you want, including:
- No deductible for emergency accident and sickness
If you need to be repatriated back to the United States for further medical care and your medical condition is stable enough for such transport, you may choose to be transported to another American hospital, provided that the costs do not exceed the cost to transport you to your primary place of residence.
Learn more about Arch RoamRight’s Pro plan.
If you have any questions about coverages or the Pro and Pro Plus plan and how they compare to the Essential plan, please contact our customer service team at 1-800-699-3845.