Published on Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Look around: arguably the most powerful form of media today is not the printed word or still photos, but videos. Take a peek at your social media timelines. How many “quick-and-easy” recipe videos do you see shared by your friends? What about news summary videos?Or the “must visit” travel destination videos?
It’s a digital world and video is winning. Videos are keeping the attention of an audience that is being inundated by dozens of other stimuli, and even eliciting emotion.
Published on Wednesday, November 16, 2016

When planning a trip, the possibility of a natural disaster striking is often overlooked or minimized. Sure, your travelers might make contingency plans if they’re booking a Caribbean cruise during hurricane season or flying through Chicago during winter, but what about the disasters that aren’t predictable - like an earthquake or volcano? How can your travelers plan for those?
In short, make sure your clients have a good travel insurance policy that covers against natural disasters. The types of situations covered and the type of coverage itself will vary from provider to provider, so it’s important to understand the ins and outs of the policies you sell to your travelers.
Published on Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Sometimes, travel insurance is forgotten when planning a domestic trip. But why? There are many benefits travel insurance can provide for travelers who are not leaving the country. For example, would you fly from Hawaii to the continental United Statesunprotected? Learn why travel insurance is not only smart for international trips but for domestic ones as well.
Published on Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Find out how to connect with the RoamRight team at two of the biggest tradeshows for travel agents - the NACTA Annual Conference and Cruiseworld.
Published on Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Military families have unique needs when it comes to travel insurance. What if orders are changed? Or someone is called to duty? Find out how RoamRight's plans address these issues for this valuable segment of our society.